
온라인초록제출 확인

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  • 온라인초록제출 확인
Name Degree Position Department 이메일 진행상태 신청일 보기
Bomi MSN Research Assistant College of nursing bomih@yuhs.ac 접수 2024/05/07 -
Hee-Jung Ph.D. Program 4th semester of Ph.D. Sahmyook Graduate School lart12@naver.com 접수 2023/11/22 -
Junghee Ph.D. Research Professor Department of Clinical Research Design & Evaluation gidocna@skku.edu 접수 2023/11/21 -
Soyoon master Nurse Nursing dosoyoon@naver.com 접수 2023/11/04 -
PhD 교수 간호학과 jiyoung0577@hanmail.net 심사중 2023/05/26 -
기옥(Gie Ok) 박사 간호학과 부교수 간호학과 nkorn91@gmail.com 심사중 2023/05/13 -
HYOJIN Master Program Student Pusan University School of Nursing ownhyojin@naver.com 접수 2021/12/11 -
HYOJIN Master Program Student Pusan University School ownhyojin@naver.com 접수 2021/12/03 -
Sun Young the master's course Wholistic Nursing Research Institute college of Nursing sibij1017@naver.com 접수 2021/11/26 -
Kwuy-Im PhD Associate Professor College of Nursing cgi@kosin.ac.kr 접수 2020/01/06 -